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Ostofix revolutionizes ostomized patient care. Ostofix eliminates the need for conventional bags, allowing stool to remain in the intestine and preventing any involuntary leakage. Complete control is in the hands of the patient, who can remove stool using a syringe at their chosen time and place. Discover newfound freedom with Ostofix. 

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From: 28 November 2023
Until: 17 January 2024


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Overview: Ownmed Innovation

Valuation 2.800.000
Estimated return x13
% Offered 20%
Estimated exit 2030

Market Potential: Ostofix enters a growing ostomy market, projected to increase from an annual expenditure of $3.5 billion in 2022 to $5.4 billion by 2030.

Global Growth: With 13.5 million ostomized patients and a CAGR (Compound Annual Growth Rate) of 5.3%, Ostofix is the answer to a consistently rising demand.

Proven Effectiveness: The concept test with pigs confirms that Ostofix securely retains feces in the intestine until aspiration.

Ownmed Innovation is a spin-off resulting from collaboration among Gregorio Marañón Hospital, Jiménez Díaz Foundation, and Carlos III University of Madrid. Currently affiliated with UC3M’s Incubation and Acceleration Program, Madrid’s La Nave Acceleration Program, and Kunsen’s Acceleration Program, its primary objective is the development of a medical device, Ostofix, aimed at ostomized patients, with the purpose of restoring their ability to regain control over continence.

Ostomized patients are individuals who have undergone surgery to remove part of their intestine due to various conditions such as colon cancer, bladder cancer, or inflammatory bowel diseases, among others. This surgery results in an opening in the abdomen through which waste material is expelled, leading to a lack of control over elimination and the need to wear an attached collecting bag on the abdomen.

Currently, the absence of self-control devices for ostomies with liquid consistency waste material presents significant challenges for ostomized patients, who face various physical, psychological, and economic implications. These difficulties include changes in body image, skin irritation, and infections due to the acidity of waste, continuous loss of stool or urine, odor, sexual dysfunction, anxiety, depression, and emotional concerns related to the stoma. Moreover, adequate psychological preparation and support are required, and the healthcare system also faces economic implications due to the need to provide care to address these complications.

Existing devices, such as collecting bags, do not provide ostomized patients with continence control. Their main function is to collect fecal/urinary material that is constantly and involuntarily expelled. The need to restore control and autonomy to the patient regarding the expulsion of fecal or urinary material led to the creation of a new device with an anti-reflux system. Ostofix will enable patients to consciously control the discharge, restoring their basic need for elimination. This device connects to the patient’s stoma, preventing the passage of fecal material outside until a suction system (syringe) is connected for extraction, keeping the material inside the intestine. Ostofix is characterized by:

  • Providing self-control in the expulsion of liquid or semi-liquid fecal material.
  • No need to change Ostofix every time feces/urine are aspirated, ensuring no soiling during collection. It only needs to be changed once a day during daily hygiene.
  • Boosting the self-esteem of ostomy wearers as they are not constantly defecating/urinating.
  • Normalizing the intestinal tract, mimicking the digestive system of patients without pathologies, thereby improving mental health and the quality of life of these patients.
  • Does not require additional surgery or adapted bathrooms for ostomized patients.
  • Patients manage Ostofix themselves, changing the device daily.
  • The insertion of the device into the stoma is not painful.
  • Prevents leaks, thereby preventing dermatological complications and possible infections.
Minimum investment: 1.000
Type of exit expected: Acquisition
Drag-along rights
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Tax deductions