Our investment proposal for you

Why should you invest part of your capital in Capital Cell?

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Why 5-7 years?

The companies we approve for investment are developing medical technology products that require complicated approvals, complex health checks or efficacy tests on thousands of patients.

This takes time, and it is very rare for an innovative technology to be ready to sell before 4-5 years.

Therefore, do not invest capital here that you may need immediately. This investment is not to make quick money - it is rather to pay for your children's college.

Why is it so profitable?

You are investing in future pharmaceutical drugs to cure cancer, or therapies to cure genetic diseases, or robots capable of operating with absolute precision.

Annual sales of just one of these products can easily reach billions of euros per year. In 2023 there were 152 drugs with sales in excess of $1 billion annually, whose total sales exceeded $510 billion - the equivalent of the combined turnover of Google, Meta, LinkedIn, Twitter ("X"), Spotify and Uber.

Apart from these extraordinary figures (which refer only to pharmaceuticals; they do not include diagnostic technologies or medical devices, for example), it is not unusual for a treatment for a minority disease or a diagnostic device to have sales of hundreds of millions annually.

Why shouldn't I invest all my capital?

Investing in this type of technology is not excessively risky if you do it in a diversified way (see below), but it is an illiquid type of investment. In other words: as long as your money is Invested in these companies, you will not be able to touch it, nor get it back immediately.

Therefore, we recommend that you invest no more than 20% of your available capital in this type of investment; the rest of your capital should be placed in liquid investments such as stock market or index funds. Otherwise, you risk not having access to your capital in case of urgent need.

Why should I diversify?

Not all the companies we approve at Capital Cell are going to succeed. They all have great teams, good technologies, suitable market strategies, etc., but market statistics tell us that at least half will fail.

On the other hand, those that perform well (1 or 2 out of 10, depending on the statistics) will multiply your money by 20 or 100 times. As you can see, the "game" is simple: the companies that perform well will compensate for the losses of those that do not perform so well.

So, if you invest in a company you can have very good luck and make a lot of money, or very bad luck and lose it all. But in Capital Cell we don't want to invite you to try to be lucky, but to invest safely. And for that it is essential to diversify.

Therefore, invest roughly the same amount of money in at least 10 companies and you will start to ensure positive returns.

Return on investment calculator

Estimated return


in 5 years

Fixed Income

The AAA European bond offered a 10-year yield of 2.92% in February 2024.

Source: World Bank


in 5 years

Equity Funds

High-yield rankings such as the US S&P 500 index averaged an annual return of 12.9% over the 2014-2024 period.

Source: S&P


in 5 years

Real estate sector

If you don't mind the negative social impact, investing in real estate in Europe generates between 2 and 4% per year.

Source: BNP Paribas, others


in 5 years

Health and Biotechnology

Investments in diversified portfolios in Healthtech averaged 17.2% annually over the last decade.

Source: Association of Investment Companies